Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is my first name hindering me from employment and career opportunities ?

My legal first name is "Midnight" my middle name is Geayghmeigh-Leigh - pronounced Jamie-Lee . I have been told that this is keeping me from finding jobs . Is it true that most employers who looks at a resume with this name on it will toss the application right in the trash ? I love my name ! I would not change it for anything in the world!

Is my first name hindering me from employment and career opportunities ?

that could be true depending on the fields you are looking for work in.

one suggestion is to submit your resume with your initials only - M.G.

at least then you could get your foot in the door, and once they meet you and see how competent and qualified you are they couldn't possibly care about your name, and you can't feel that you were discriminated against because of your name.

Good Luck
Reply:Legally, they are not allowed to just toss your application in the trash can. I would say that your name is probably causing you some problems though. You may want to put your middle initial instead of the whole name (or you can put how it is pronounced like you did here). Good luck to you.
Reply:By law, employers are not allowed to discredit your application because of your name. BUT, with that being said, I really can't say what an employer will do (overlook it or go to the next application).
Reply:There are at least a million theories on why resumes don't get answered, most of them wrong. In the USA, for example, a company must log ALL read resumes, so most get trashed. Some companies don't hire anyone outside of certain sources etc. Always write a concise cover letter, do as much research as possible, use placement %26amp; better yet, temporary agencies. I could give a long string of unusual 1st names that I work with, including Sundown, affect, yes but good, bad, or indifferent? Job searching is hard, hang in there, explore every avenue; if possible work part-time to establish contacts. I would also recommend reading, "How to win friends %26amp; influence people" by Dale Carnegie, big help at interview time, really.
Reply:I like your name also. I guess we will both stay unemployed, or have to take minimum wage job. Real answer is I don't think so because if employer doesn't like your name then let everybody call you Joe when your at work.
Reply:oh boy, if you don't petition for a name change, you will get hosed when it comes to finding a good paying job.
Reply:there are lots of different names around for the past 20 years...............it is not just saints names anymore................I don't think you name disqualifies you.................have someone look at your resume........(pay them!)..and get it fixed up..........
Reply:Everyone has a great point here. My two-cents though, Do you have a nick name? Use it on your resume. Include your legal initials at the end. Only when ask, do you explain what it means. By all means you should be proud of your name. To make it more interesting, find out what your names mean. Makes for great conversation, when in an interview. Be confident when you hand out your resume, expect people to contact you. Don't place any negativity with the opportunity you are focused on getting. I do not think you should change your name at all. Unless you want to. Not for anyone else. However you can simplify it for others.

Reply:I love your name!!....why don't you just use the name leigh and your last name when applying for an application and on your resume`?

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