Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is Ronaldiniho the brazillian football players first name?

My brother is a fan and would like to know as he is convinced he does'nt have one!

What is Ronaldiniho the brazillian football players first name?
Ronaldo Assis de Moreira (born 21 March 1980) is a footballer more commonly known as Ronaldinho Ga煤cho, due to his being from the Rio Grande do Sul state of Brazil, or more simply known as Ronaldinho.

His name Ronaldinho, Portuguese for "little Ronaldo", was originally devised as a means of distinguishing between himself and fellow Brazilian football star Ronaldo, with the additional title Ga煤cho being used when the current Ronaldo was also known as Ronaldinho.
Reply:gaucho Report Abuse

Reply:Ronaldinho's full name is Ronaldo Assis De Moreira or simply known as Ronaldinho Gaucho.
Reply:I believe Ronaldinho is his first name. I think Gaucho is his last name, but he doesn't use it, like many other Brazilian and Portuguese players.
Reply:His name is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira. Ronaldinho is only his nick name. And for your info, he was born March 21th, 1980 in Porto Alegre in Brazil.
Reply:I believe that is his first name. His birth name is Ronaldo Assis de Moreira, so he probably just goes by his first name.
Reply:Ronaldo Assis de Moreira
Reply:his name is ronaldo de assis moreira
Reply:his real name is ronaldo de assis moreira.
Reply:His complete name is: Ronaldo de Assis Moreira "inho" is the portuguese diminutive, ronaldhino would be like ronnie in english.
Reply:his real name is Ronaldo Roberto de Assis Moreira. His nick name is ronaldinho, since his teammate, Ronaldo, had tht name. Ronaldinho means little ronaldo.
Reply:His full name is Ronaldo de ASSIS MOREIRA. The

ending inho means in Portuguese little
Reply:Ronaldo is his first name

full name is - Ronaldo De Assis Moreira.

Ronaldinho is just Brazilian for Little Ronaldo since they had to distiguish between him and Ronaldo r9.

hope that helps!!!

Ronaldinho = lil Ronaldo
Reply:his complete name is ronaldo de asiss mouriera and gaucho is his signature
Reply:he's real name is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira but he is known as Ronaldinho Gaucho
Reply:first name:ronaldo

last name:Assis de Moreira

i think that
Reply:His full name is Ronaldo Roberto de Assis Moreira.
Reply:Ronaldo Gaucho. his name is Ronaldo but when he saw Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima being better then him he switched his name to Ronaldinho

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