Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What do you think of the name Kenzie as a first name instead of a nickname?

Honestly, what do you think? Do you think it would be alright to put Kenzie on a birth certificate for a girl and use it has a complete first name? Does the name sound pretty? Do you like the spelling?

What do you think of the name Kenzie as a first name instead of a nickname?
Yea it sounds nice
Reply:Kenzie is really cute but I prefer it as a nickname instead have MacKenzie as the first name
Reply:I think it's cute.

Kenze or Kenzee are also cute ways to spell it.

It's normally short for Mackenzie, which I think sounds just as childish as Kenzie for those who think it's a very childish name.

When she grows up she can be called Kenz, Kens, Ken, Zie...etc
Reply:Yes i think that it will be ok

Very pretty and i would keep that spelling

Reply:No. I think that it would be a cute nickname though. Maybe if her first name was McKenzie.
Reply:Yes, I think it would be perfectly ok to put Kenzie on a birth certificate. If that is her name and you are going to call her that go right ahead.
Reply:It's a cute name, but I can't imagine her being like 40 with the name Kenzie. That's the only problem with it. I kinda feel the same way about Makenzie too though, so I guess it's personal preference.
Reply:i like the name Mckenzie better....but kenzie does sound cute....one of my friends would tell me to call her that for fun....and i knew a boy name kenzie in elementary.

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