Friday, November 20, 2009

Can you call your graduate professors by their first name?

Im in grad school and my peers seem to call our professor by their first names. Now going straight from undergrad to grad, I haven't really been in a professional setting, so I wasn't sure if we were allowed to address our professors by their first name. So is it true?

Can you call your graduate professors by their first name?

That apparently is the culture of your school./

if that is the culture and you feel comfortable with it you can join in./
Reply:i think it really depends on your professor. ask them (in private if you don't feel comfortable doing so in front of others) what they prefer and respect their wishes. i'm in grad school too and most of my professors have just gotten their ph.d's and have said they prefer being called by their first name.

at the same time, it was the same in undergrad for really depends on whose class you're in. i promise, no one will be offended if you ask what they want to be called.

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